Summer Time 2014 at Smiles For Kids

Summer time at Smile For Kids is always the most fun part of the year. Seeing our high school and college kids is super fun and rewarding after a full year of hard work they have been doing. You guys are busy but so much more relaxed in summertime!!! We know that this summer break is greatly appreciated to recharge some of those worn out by studying and finals batteries. But at the same time it seems that these days sports are ongoing for the summer. We have some very promising swimmers, baseball players, basketball rising starts, gymnastics pros, football players and dancers! We better start getting those autographs before they get too famous to come back and see their dentist. In the summer we also live vicariously through our patients’ trips. Some of you guys are having fantastic vacations! We’ve heard of European adventures with friends and families. Two of our recent visitors are going on Alaskan cruises. We love to hear about those dog sledding adventures, helicopter rides to glaciers, whale watching tours… Oh how we’d love to come along! And then, of course, every year we have a slur of Disney fans. If we ever go to Disney parks, we will have to call you guys for advice. There are so many cool things you guys are doing there, so many favorites when it comes to parks, rides, hotels, and food. We just can’t keep up! And then there are our “city dwellers”. So far we’ve heard of trips to New York, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and Miami. How fun! Can’t wait to hear about the museums, tours and food in those cities. But perhaps our favorite is camp. We can almost smell those pine woods, feel that cool water while jumping on water trampolines, paddling or kayaking, taste those s’mores and hang on tight to those horses! Oh what memories of childhood that brings for all of us! It’s hard to tell which one of those camps sounds best. Maybe we should try them all? Just to test them out for our patients… You know… research is what it’s called...

So in the meantime what is our Smiles For Kids team up to you might ask? Well, we are here for you in the summer time! We know that this is probably the best time for all our kiddos to make it to the dentist. Yes, those summer camps are important and definitely an investment, but at least you are not getting letters from the school district if you skip to come see us. And no hours of make-up work just because you skipped an hour of school. So yes, we are here in the summer time for you guys to come and visit us. We try our hardest to accommodate for all the kiddos. We have extra hygienists in the summer so we can see more kids. We have also added a new hygiene chair in order to make sure our wait times are short. You might have met Sally, our additional hygienist, who is wonderful with the little patients and has fun with us. We also have Victor helping us turn over chairs and work in the lab. He is going to be a junior in high school and wants to be a pediatric dentist one day. We are so excited to have him help us. He is amazing. Our schedule in the summer varies a little bit. While normally we work Tuesdays through Fridays, some weeks in the summer we work Monday through Thursday to give our team a four day weekend once in a while to hang out with their families and friends. Maybe even take a short weekend trip here and there... And then of course we took our traditional one week long vacation for the week of 4th of July. That was fun and gave us a much needed breather. But otherwise both Dr. Lindhorst and Dr. Jadav as well as the whole team are excited to see you guys. If you haven’t been in yet, come tell us your vacation stories and plans. And did you know about our fun summer contest??? Draw us a vacation picture and you could win a pack of Schlitterbahn tickets! We even have paper and crayons in the office if you forget to do it at home. Looking forward to spending this last month of Summer 2014 with you guys!

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